cnc soustruh

CNC Soustruh: Co To Je a Jak Funguje?

CNC soustruh je významným nástrojem v moderní výrobní technologii. CNC je zkratka pro „Computer Numerical Control“, což v překladu znamená „počítačem řízené obrábění“. Tento článek se zaměří na to, co je CNC soustruh a jak funguje. Co je CNC soustruh? CNC soustruh je stroj, který se používá k obrábění materiálů. Obrábění je proces, při kterém…

Jak Funguje CNC Fréza ?

Jak Funguje CNC Fréza ?

CNC fréza funguje na základě digitálního modelu, který je vytvořen v CAD (Computer-Aided Design) programu. Tento model je následně převeden do formátu, který může CNC fréza číst a interpretovat. Tento proces se nazývá CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing). V CAM programu je vytvořen tzv. G-kód, což je soubor instrukcí pro CNC frézu. G-kód říká fréze, jak se…

Prodej CNC strojů: Nabídka nejmodernějších technologií pro průmyslovou výrobu

Prodej CNC strojů: Nabídka nejmodernějších technologií pro průmyslovou výrobu

Prodej CNC strojů je nyní velmi rozšířený a významný trh. CNC stroje jsou využívány v mnoha oblastech, jako jsou například průmyslová výroba, zpracování kovů, dřeva, plastů a dalších materiálů. CNC stroje umožňují vysokou přesnost a rychlost zpracování materiálů, což je velmi výhodné pro podniky, které potřebují zpracovávat velké množství materiálů. V dnešní době je velmi…

Škoda: A Legacy of Engineering Excellence

Škoda: A Legacy of Engineering Excellence

Škoda is a name that resonates with a rich history of engineering and manufacturing prowess. Established in Plzeň, Czechoslovakia, in 1859, Škoda has been a cornerstone of the industrial landscape, not only in its home country but also on the global stage. The company’s legacy is a testament to the spirit of innovation and the…

Quaser Machine Tools Inc.: A Pioneer in Advanced Machining Solutions

Quaser Machine Tools Inc.: A Pioneer in Advanced Machining Solutions

Quaser Machine Tools Inc., a Taiwan-based company, has been at the forefront of the machine tools industry for over three decades. Established in 1991 by Edward Shar and Samuel Shieh, the company has built its reputation on three key principles: Quality, Service, and Innovation. These principles have not only shaped the company’s vision but also…

DMG Mori: A Global Leader in Machine Tool Manufacturing

DMG Mori: A Global Leader in Machine Tool Manufacturing

DMG Mori is a globally recognized leader in the field of machine tool manufacturing. With a rich history and a commitment to innovation, the company has carved a niche for itself in the highly competitive world of industrial machinery. This article will delve into the history, products, and achievements of DMG Mori, and also explore…

RAFAMET: A Global Leader in Special-Purpose Machine Tools Manufacturing

RAFAMET: A Global Leader in Special-Purpose Machine Tools Manufacturing

RAFAMET is a renowned name in the global market for the manufacturing of special-purpose machine tools. The company, with its headquarters in Poland, has a rich history and a strong presence in the industry. It has successfully manufactured and sold over 5,300 machines for railways and over 700 other heavy-duty special-purpose machine tools to customers…

The Fermat WFC 10 CNC Horizontal Boring Machine: A Comprehensive Review

The Fermat WFC 10 CNC Horizontal Boring Machine: A Comprehensive Review

The world of manufacturing and industrial production has seen a significant transformation over the years, with the advent of advanced machinery and technology. One such innovation that has revolutionized the industry is the Fermat WFC 10 CNC horizontal boring machine. Manufactured by Fermat, a professional manufacturer of horizontal boring machines based in the Czech Republic,…

The WHN 13 CNC Machine: A Masterpiece of Engineering by TOS Varnsdorf

The WHN 13 CNC Machine: A Masterpiece of Engineering by TOS Varnsdorf

The world of manufacturing and industrial production is one that is constantly evolving, with new technologies and innovations being introduced regularly. One such innovation that has significantly impacted the industry is the WHN 13 CNC machine, a product of TOS Varnsdorf. This machine is a testament to the company’s commitment to quality, precision, and efficiency….

heavy-duty CNC machine

Heavy-duty CNC Machines for Heavy Industry

In the realm of manufacturing and industrial production, heavy-duty CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines have emerged as a game-changer. These machines, designed to withstand the rigors of heavy industry, have revolutionized the way we produce goods, offering unprecedented levels of precision, efficiency, and consistency. The advent of CNC technology has marked a significant shift in…